Apparently It’s August Now

I mentioned that I have been working on some new craft projects to share. First is a Disney-themed mini album. i think it came out really well.

Then I made a couple of different “folios.” One has a pen attached and a removable notepad. It is Christmas themed so you can use it to make your Christmas gift lists and there is a pocket to keep the receipts for purchased gifts.

And the next is a Halloween-themed one.

I am really in love with these folios and have a ton of ideas for other ones. I got the idea from another crafter, Maymay of Maymay Made It. I haven’t had a chance to post these in the Etsy shop yet but they will be there soon!

Finally, I am in the process of making this:

I found these boxes at our local dollar store last year and really liked them. I am always saving the cardboard inserts that come in packages. I think these were from pillowcases. I just need to finish decorating it. BUT I GOT CALLED FOR JURY DUTY! Right now I am juror #10. We have another day of jury selection and then I would expect the trial to begin next week. The judge said that just wanting to be doing something else is not a good enough reason to be excused – LOL. Fortunately it isn’t a high profile case so hopefully it won’t last long.

And that’s my crafty life for now. What do you think? What have you been up to? Ever serve on a jury?

About scr4pl80 (Scrap Lady)

I'm a 60-ish, married, mom to 3, creative soul looking to make the world a better place one smile at a time.
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10 Responses to Apparently It’s August Now

  1. Pingback: Apparently It’s August Now… | Janet's Smiles

  2. I love your boxes and it’s obvious that you put a lot of work – and creativity – into them. I’ve been to jury duty a few times. I’ve also been on a few cases but mostly I just sit all day waiting to be called. Thank goodness I enjoy reading! I’ve seen some people who literally just sit there, staring at the back of the head of the person sitting in front of them… yikes!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You’ve been so busy and so creative!! I need to knock on wood, I’ve never been requested for jury duty. I hope the case goes quickly and that you’re able to get back to creating. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Becky says:

    Knock on wood, the two times I’ve been called for jury duty they ended up not needing me so I never had to go in. I hope for your sake it’s not too long!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. E.A. Wickham says:

    I think you’re very talented. Yes, I’ve served on several juries. Also more times I haven’t been selected after sitting through the process.

    Liked by 1 person

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