Jubilant July 2023

So I guess one post a month is about all I can manage. Since I am still working and have become the primary caregiver for my MIL and want to work in the studio, my “spare” time is spent on other stuff. I did take a minute to go through my vision cards for this year to see where/if I’ve made any progress on my goals.

To refresh, these are the cards I made for this year – Travel/adventure; finances; the studio life; keeping connected; healthy me and home sweet home. I use vision cards instead of making “resolutions” at the new year. That way I don’t get upset with myself because if I even do one thing in each category I consider it a win.

The only one I haven’t done anything about so far is our home. I mean, basic cleaning and stuff of course but I have so much I want to do with the backyard. I did get a new office desk (my office is in the kitchen) and a new cabinet to help organize but other than that it’s pretty much as usual.

I went in the wrong direction as far as my healthy habits go and put on about 20 pounds. I did just complete a 28 day exercise challenge and will be starting another one but I have to stop thinking I can eat anything I want with no consequences. We have our 50th high school reunion coming in October so I have a goal.

Connections has been getting a boost because I am on the committee for planning the reunion so I’ve been communicating with lots of folks I haven’t talked to in a while. That on top of going to a scrapbook event in May and visiting my sister has pretty much filled this category.

In the studio, I’ve tried some new projects and am trying to get a new website started. I have also done a pop-up and have another one coming this month. I have made a few Etsy sales and have some ideas for new offerings there.

Financially speaking it’s been pretty hard because my typing business has been so slow. Fortunately we are getting a little help from my MIL but I’m hoping to get more business as the year goes on.

Lastly, there is travel and adventure. I’m counting the trips to San Francisco for my A to Z post as an adventure! Also, we went to Las Vegas and have been going to baseball games. Concert season is really heating up. We have 7 more shows coming up!

There you have it. I think I’ve done actually pretty well on most of the areas of life I wanted to focus on this year. How about you? Did you make vision cards or set some goals for yourself for 2023? Have you done a half-year check-in to see where you are? Share!

Oh yeah, Happy 4th!

About scr4pl80 (Scrap Lady)

I'm a 60-ish, married, mom to 3, creative soul looking to make the world a better place one smile at a time.
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15 Responses to Jubilant July 2023

  1. Love your cards. Good for you taking care of your m-i-l. Not everyone would do it or do it with good grace. It was hard taking care of my parents so I understand at least somewhat. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ally Bean says:

    I admit to not having any specific goals for this year, other than get through all our home improvements, which means not letting the house fall down around us. Maybe that’s goal enough?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wendy J says:

    I think you’ve done well on your vision cards considering the change in your circumstances (i.e. looking after your MIL). Always good to have an incentive to get fitter and healthier. I was recently diagnosed as being pre-diabetic so that has definitely made me up my game on being more active and eating healthily. Good luck with all the reunion plans.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. mollyscanopy says:

    I am loving those vision cards. I need to try that to jump start a few things. I have been a weekly blogger (mostly) but fell off the wagon after AtoZ this year and only finally got back on this week. First blog post in two months! So I can understand you moving to monthly with all that you have going on. Best of luck with your MIL and the reunion planning.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. LA says:

    Good luck with your MIL!! Take care of yourself too

    Liked by 1 person

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