B is for Bowling, Baseball, Beach

Bowling has always been a fun thing for us to do. We were on a few leagues together and I even managed to win a couple trophies. I was actually on a league and bowling during my eighth month of pregnancy with our first. My husband is the better bowler and even bowled a perfect 300 game once. Sadly I wasn’t there to see it because I was home with the kids. I laugh because he wears his 300 ring when we go out but not his wedding ring, which doesn’t fit. We did go bowling in 2020 for my birthday, right before things were shut down because of Covid. My form is not so hot but I did get a strike!

I couldn’t leave baseball out of the dating game. We have tickets in the 415 section again this year so we’re looking forward to that. But, in our younger days I had fun watching my hubby play on his leagues. He was a pitcher and a pretty good one too. (I think that’s why he was able to win those stuffed animals I talked about yesterday.) I would sit in the stands and cheer him on. “Go hun!” I would yell. Pretty soon the other guys on the team were calling him “hun” too.

But another thing we used to do when we were dating was collect baseball cards and organize them. Hours and hours would be spent putting them in numerical order. We still have them too, and have added to the collection through the years. Now he organizes them with our son. He even has his own baseball card!

And last but not least is the beach. We are so fortunate to live close enough to get to the beach whenever we want, but don’t take advantage of it too often. I love to watch the waves crashing in and smell the salt water. We’ll have to start taking Benny there more.

Okay, made it through “B.” Good thing we have a day off tomorrow. I want to say up front that I am going to try and get to visit some new folks on Sundays because I probably can’t do it during the week.

About scr4pl80 (Scrap Lady)

I'm a 60-ish, married, mom to 3, creative soul looking to make the world a better place one smile at a time.
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40 Responses to B is for Bowling, Baseball, Beach

  1. Pingback: A to Z Reflection – 2022 | Janet's Smiles

  2. Pingback: Z is for Zoo, Zipline, ZZZ | Janet's Smiles

  3. Pingback: S is for Scavenger Hunt, Sunset, Sports Bar | Janet's Smiles

  4. Pingback: P is for Picnic, Paint Night, Pool | Janet's Smiles

  5. Pingback: J is for Jazz, Jigsaw Puzzle, Jetski | Janet's Smiles

  6. Pingback: G is for Golf, Gambling, Geocaching | Janet's Smiles

  7. I’ve never been a bowler fan but his family was. While we don’t bowl or go to baseball games, we can antique hunt all day long!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. John Holton says:

    Bowling and baseball! A couple of worthy pursuits…


  9. debscarey says:

    Gosh, I haven’t been bowling in years! Himself isn’t a great sports fan, but my preferred one is rugby. I stopped going a few years ago as it was getting too rich for my pocket (the fans of my club are all big drinkers and high earners). But the beach is our spiritual home. We visit as often as we can, usually with cameras in tow. To be honest, even without taking pictures, there’s something about the sea air which is just calming. Other suggestions for B – eating Breakfast out. One thing I loved about my time visiting the US was the fantastic breakfasts 🙂

    Debs visiting this year from
    Debs Carey-NLP Coach

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I haven’t been bowling in years and this post makes me really want to go.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Love love these ideas!
    Especially the beach and bowling!!!

    You guys really are so cute together! 😍😍


  12. Lisa says:

    I can count the number of times I remember bowling on one finger. I’ve taken my kids, and one took many lessons when he was little, and bowling as a PE requirement for an AA. Oh, beaches! I’ll bet you get a lot of people envying you for living in CA and near the beach! Ha! I know Ocean Beach (I grew up in Walnut Creek)!

    Liked by 1 person

    • scr4pl80 says:

      We had bowling parties for the kids a couple times for their birthdays. Our son got into it too for a while and had just picked it back up again when the pandemic hit. We totally underuse our proximity to the beach. I keep vowing to get over there more. Thanks for stopping by!


  13. ghostmmnc says:

    Cool B places to go! I used to bowl a little, and it was fun. Doubt if I could do it now. haha! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Great B choices, Janet – and fun photos. I’m a terrible bowler, but I always liked seeing a glitter/sparkle-filled ball rolling down the gutter. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  15. LA says:

    My husband was a high school bowling champ

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Tamara says:

    You were bowling during your eighth month of pregnancy??? Wow! If I had set foot in a bowling alley in my eighth month, people would have mistaken me for the bowling ball!!!
    Baseball is very little known in Switzerland. I attended a game once for a photo challenge 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • scr4pl80 says:

      We used to have like 3 bowling alleys in the space of about 5 miles but a lot of them closed and way before the pandemic. There are still a few around close enough though. Yes, I definitely had to change my style during the last month or two because I couldn’t bend over as far!


  17. My parents were both excellent bowlers and participated in many leagues throughout the years. I did a few myself. Although being from New England, it was all about candlepin bowling for us. It’s such a fun sport.

    Glad to see you’re doing the A to Z again this year! While I wasn’t able to participate, I’m excited to check in with all the fun posts happening around the challenge.

    Weekends In Maine

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Dena Pawling says:

    We’ve done all of these! Although not just as a couple. We always bring at least 2 kids with us. Our kids are all in their 20s but two of them still live at home.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Liam says:

    Baseball dates are the best. Of course, it’s been a long time since we’ve been able to go to a baseball game without the kids!


  20. Baseball, Bowling and Beaches are all things my wife and I like to do as well.https://dave-homeschooldad.blogspot.com/2022/04/b-is-for-bisquick-bryce-and-bulbs.html


  21. John says:

    The main thing is that you have a great time! I haven’t bowled in way too long, Janet. Used to have my own ball and shoes.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Oh you did Bowling too… I was going to do something else and then… I forgot what I had thought of. I love all the pictures as always.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. gigglingfattie says:

    Ooooo man I havent been bowling in soooo long!! I wanna go now!

    Liked by 2 people

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